About Us
Nagoya is a leading city in Japan in terms of the number of art, music, and cultural festivals it hosts. many of which are the initiatives of individual artists and citizens. We also have many artists whose creative practices are closely associated with the city and people, greatly invigorating the local community. Creative Link Nagoya was established with the aim of supporting such artists and their cultural and artistic activities and making Nagoya a more attractive city.
As a business executive by profession, I know that running a business depends on good management and the science of data analysis. However, culture also plays a very significant role. Unless these three elements are firmly integrated, a business cannot attain true prosperity. I am confident that the activities of Creative Link Nagoya can help raise the culture of Nagoya to a level that commands the respect of the world, which will ensure Nagoya’s future growth and invigorate its industries and communities.
Our missions at Creative Link Nagoya are to serve as a link between the diverse domains of music, arts, and performing arts and link the players in the cultural and arts domains with those in tourism and community development. We appreciate your continued support and cooperation.

TANAKA Hidenari